Clickadu prohibits the promotion of products or services in the following categories:
Please note that campaigns are continually reviewed by our staff and an active campaign can be suspended at any time. If, after approval, a campaign was modified in a way that does not follow our Guidelines, your account could be suspended or terminated.
In order to run Pre-Roll video campaigns, your content should comply with specific rules.
Clickadu may cancel any further relations due to the constant violence of these guidelines. All the cancelation consequences are stated in Terms & Conditions (Point 11).
A publisher suspected in any fraudulent activity will be banned, withheld account balance and take all necessary legal actions to restore the damage caused by this violation. All advertising campaigns carried out on Publishers websites with fraudulent activities are not subject to payment.
In any case, Clickadu shall make all determinations about fraudulent activity in its sole discretion.
Clickadu may cancel any further relations due to the constant violence of these guidelines. All the cancelation consequences are stated in Terms&Conditions (Point 14).